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A cooperative survival tank game created with C++, SDL, and Tiled made by 8 students in UPC, CITM.

Role ( QA )


My role in this project has been as QA. During the entire project I have been responsible having a proper tracking of the bugs in the game.

We used the tool github Issues to keep track of all bugs found in game. In the first weeks we created the labels with which we were going to classify the bugs.

After the vertical slice assignment we realised that we had to many labels and we decided to reduce them in order to make it easier for everyone in the team to understand aspects like the fixing priority or the frecuency in which the bug is found.


Finally we also introduced the methodology that every bug is assigned to one person, that makes the bug fixing process easier.


My other main responsability as the QA was releasing all game versions in a build. The first weeks we only did one build per week, but after the third week we had to change our workflow in order to have 2 builds every week(Mondays and Fridays).

The last weeks we have been doing 3 builds, two on the weekends in order to balance and stabilize the versions.

Task review

I was also responsible of reviewing the tasks that other teammates did, and I was the one that closed the task, in the software Click-up.


Wiki contribution

Game implementations

First Camera Version

There was one first camera version, created using the lerp factor, in order to make navigation smoother.

Map Creation

I’ ve been collaborating with the Art responsible, creating the map and helping the art responsible with any task he had.

Tank revival

The system that let other player revive each other when they are dead.


I create the video intro of the studio using adobe affter effects.


As the Qa I was also responsible of keeping tracking of the performance of the game.