Sergio Gómez - Art & Audio
Wiki contribution
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Sprite sorting
We need sprite sorting for the type of game we make, we had a little problem because of the isometric but manage to make it work.
Function for rotate sprites
Since we saw that all original sprites of command and conquer have around 100 directions, we use a function that order all this direction to be more efficient.
First version of map
We had some inconvinients with the map sprites that cause us to make a map without a lot of things we planned at the beggining, but still a map to play.
Export and organize tiles
With all the problems we had with the tiles, we had use a several amount of tools to make the most simple way to paint a map with all the modifications we want.
Choose all building
To make a more realistic map, we use different types of buildings adjusting at the type of zone are we in.
Enemy shield
This enemy is not in the game, but was a thing in the code, for a problem of time we had to remove it from the game.
Final map
After we design the final map there is work to put all the tiles and buildings that are needed.
We had to balance many times the basic enemy tesla trooper, we didn’t know how to make the enemy and cause that it’s an enemy that can kill you but at the same time you have to have a sensation that you can destroy them, also balance the damage of the weapons too, adjusting the weapons for not to be some stronger than others.