Víctor Segura - Designer
As a Designer, I collaborated with the Leader, Jaume Montagut, in order to design and decide all the aspects in the game. At the beginning, we decided with the group the main idea of the game and decided the Game Pillars we were going to use.
We created, having in consideration the ideas of the members of the group, and designed how the weapons, enemies and items in the game would work.
We had one or two point during the development where we had to redesign some important aspects of the game to make it more accessible, assure the game was going to work better or adapting it to the publisher expectations.
Wiki contribution
- Game Design Document
- I made the main part of the GDD, writing down the first ideas, mechanics, weapons and enemies that decided with the team.
Game Implementations
Object Manager
The first task I had in the game code was adding the Object Manager. I took the Entity Manager of my previous project Alien Earth and adapted it to work with STL containers.
Double Missile
This shot creates a bullet that when it collides, it creates an Object Explosion and the bullet removes itself. This Object Explosion creates a collider during one frame and then deleted, and when the animation ends, the object removes itself.
The Normal Shot creates 2 bullets and the charged Shot creates 4.
Normal Shot:
Charged Shot:
Healing Shot
This shot creates a bullet that if collides with an enemy, it deals the damage asigned to the enemy and delete itself. If it collides with a player, the bullets gets deleted and heals the colliding player the amount assigned. The charged shot creates a collider and all the players inside get healed the amount assigned.
Weapon Oil
This weapon creates a bullet that when collide with an enemy, deals damage to it and the enemy takes the debuff Oiled. This debuff slows their speed by 4. The charged shot of this weapon creates a giant oil pool that puts all enemies in contact with it the Oiled Debuff. This debuff last for 5 seconds unless the enemy keeps getting the debuff, by being in contact with the oil pool or still being shot with this weapon.
Happy Hour
Happy Hour is an item that reduces the fire cadency of the player at a quarter of the original.
Instant Help
Instant Help is an item that creates a portal in front of the player casting the item and another portal in a random place of the walkability map. The portals are managed and linked through the item.
When a player enters the portal, they get teleported to the other one.
Credits Menu
The credits menu direct you directly to the Githubs and LinkedIns of all members, as well as the website of the game and the Github Repository.
Options Menu
For the Options Menu, I added the options you see in the image.
The Fullscreen change a bool in the Window Module that active or desactive the fullscreen mode.
Master Volume changes a float with base of 1 that is multiplied with the music volume and with every sfx volume.
The Music Volume and SFX volume are ints that modify the volume, after multiplying themselves with the master volume.
Video Player
I added a VideoPlayer to display the Logo Intro at the beginning of the game. I used the Personal Research of my classmate Axel Alavedra, which was a great help and worked great.
I made a little modification because there was a bug that printed a frame green just before reproducing the video.
I was in charge, with the leader Jaume Montagut, of all the presentations of the game.